Home Tract : Marathwada region of Maharashtra, Bidar district of Karnataka

Type              : Dual Originated from Gir breed about 500 years back.Male calves are nursed better.                             Calves are not weaned.

Colour          : Spotted black & white.Three strains Shevera (black & white spotted), Balakanya                                    (white, without any spot),Wannera (white, partial black face)

Ears              : Grey white with black inside, drooping

Forehead     : Prominent, slightly bulged

Horns           : Emerge from side of poll behind and above the eyes in upward direction

Eyes              : Black eyebrows & eye lashes

Hump           : Massive

Limbs            : Straight & powerful

Hooves          : Black

Tail                 : Switch is black

Teats              : Black


For video description 👇